Saturday, March 13, 2010

Customize the VM template

One size does not fit all.
The Oracle VM template comes with just the twm windows manager. Since my days in University I dislike this thing. For me it is Motif.

So in order to get my favorite Windows manager up and running I need to install it.
Luckily Oracle offers a public yum server. Do the following:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d

Edit this file and set the stanza to enabled for the corresponding entry. The template is based on EL5 Update4.

Then just run
yum install openmotif

Afterwards I modify the xstart file in the /home/oracle/.vnc directory to use mwm instead of twm.
In order to access the vncviewer I also need to modify the iptables.

Add a line into the iptables to enable access in the port range 5900-5950. This will enable the access of the custom vncserver, as well as the vncserver which runs on the VM Server. The second vncserver acts as a console for the VM image. Depending on the order in which the VM's are started the vnc port changes. Therefore I use a port.

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