Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Problems when installing SOASuite

I bumped into a problem with the installation of the SOASuite today.

The problems arise when the initial run of the Universal Installer choked on the OPMN config assistant. Actually this assistant just stops, reloads and starts the opmn. Big deal - unless your system is slow. The opmnctl will hit a timeout.

So far - so good. Just quit the installer, cleaned up a little bit and tried to rerun the configToolsCommands. The opmn ran without a glitch.

Now the problems started.

There is just one assistant left - the Oracle WebServices Inspection Language CA.
But this crashed immediately with the following errors:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher
at gnu.gcj.runtime.FirstThread.run() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0)
at _Jv_ThreadRun(java.lang.Thread) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0)
at _Jv_RunMain(java.lang.Class, byte const, int, byte const, boolean) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0)
at __gcj_personality_v0 (/home/oracle/product/soasuite1013/cfgtoollogs/java.version=1.4.2)
at __libc_start_main (/lib/tls/libc-2.3.4.so)
at _Jv_RegisterClasses (/home/oracle/product/soasuite1013/cfgtoollogs/java.version=1.4.2)

I thought of the problem I experienced earlier: if there is a /etc/ant.conf on your system ant will fail. Checked - but no ant.conf so the problem must be something else.

After some googling I found out that this problem is usually caused by a JAVA_HOME that is set incorrectly.

Changing the JAVA_HOME to the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/ the rerun succeeded.
Seems that the Universal Installer sets the JAVA_HOME to the correct location, but the configToolsCommands will not inherit these settings.

I will log an SR with support - let's see what they think about this.

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